I would like to respond to Southern Belle's "Internet Tabs" post. She asks some very specific and deep questions and I am going to answer them the best that I can, because I feel that it is my duty!
Here is the part of her post that I would like to address:
Do they have regrets? Do they wish they would have done
things differently? My best friend seems to change anything
that might cause her regret. I envy that about her.
If this answer were simple it would never be asked. Regrets are a tricky thing. They cause pain, happiness, guilt, sadness, frustrations, love, joy, and a whirl of a bajillion different emotions. The hard part is how you chose to react. I have chosen to live a life of no regrets because I know that I am responsible to every one of my decisions. How do you regret something that you are ultimately responsible for? Once upon a time, I lived this amazing life with amazing parents, awesome sisters, and a wonderful husband. Literally it was all gone in less than a year. I lost a father, left my husband, and moved 1100 miles away from everything I have ever known. Seriously, I picked a date, quit my jobs, sold all of my belongings (even my car), packed my stuff and moved to Atlanta. I literally had nothing except a few thousand dollars and a one-way ticket to Georgia.
SCARY AS FUCK! Want to know what was even more scary? The feeling that I was going to feel if I didn't follow my dreams. Here I was this girl who spent her whole life doing right by everyone, making sure everyone else was happy, and in every sense of the word
settling in life. Who the hell wants that for themselves? I sure as hell didn't, especially after the loss of my Dad. My life was completely turned upside down and and I realized that being unhappy just was not going to work for me. One year later, I left my husband (we had been together for 10 years, and were just coming up on our 2 year wedding anniversary), for fear of settling in life.... I ran. These two major life changes are the two things that I am so thankful for. I miss my Dad everyday - but know that he has plans for me, and so does God. Divorce was in my plan, did I know that? No, but I'm okay with that, and what fun would life be if we knew our plan?
Then came Georgia, and this life altering, utterly terrifying journey that I was making all on my own. The first major life decision I had ever made for myself and by myself. BEST. DECISION. EVER. I met the most amazing people, who are now lifelong friends, and made a shit load of bad decisions. But I am 27, single, creating a new me in a world where no one knows a single thing about me or my past... AND living in HOT-Lanta. You would have done the same, so now judgey eyes!
This is where I met Southern Belle. Her and I have had numerous conversations about life and moving, and we both are in agreement that we were in each other's life plan. She is my best friend soulmate. (Soulmates will be another blog, which we might write together) We have similar backgrounds and are basically the same person except she's ginger and I'm blond - and we grew up on opposite sides of the country. She has talked to me a ton about moving to Denver, or really anywhere for that matter, just to get out an explore. She is young. She is in an industry where jobs are abundant, especially in the right place! She has everything going for - except that she won't take the jump.
I don't wish that I would have done anything in my life different. That's silly talk. And honestly, regretting things is exhausting and a lot of work. At the end of the day, I can say that I have had a good life. Controlling things is a part of human nature, and sometimes we just have to let go as hard as it is. I change something that I might regret because I can. I can control it. I can control who, what, where, when, and why. So can you. If you want to move, move. If you want to get a new job, start fucking looking. If you feel that you have settled..then sit down with your partner and talk it out for Pete's sake. You only get one life. ONE LIFE. How do you want to live it? With or without regrets?

This quote is what I always tell Southern Belle and it's true. I highly encourage anyone who is feeling stuck, unsure, or wavering on any decisions to really step back from your current reality and hell, move if you want to. Go see the world. Hell, what have you got to lose? So you don't have money, or a job, or a car, or know anyone. That's the point. Start Fresh. Make a new you. Make a better you. A you that you are happy with. Because the secret it that no matter what happens....
You can always go home and
You can always change it again!
XOXO ~~Northern Star