Monday, February 3, 2014

So.. You Wanna Be A Hater..

So you wanna be a hater? Well haters… Y’all should just go play outside if that is how you want to behave and live your life. Stemming from a recent slap in the face “you come off as a bitch and are unapproachable” comment, it appears that my ambition to be the nice girl is failing me in a way I never thought possible.

**Disclaimer: this is purely venting. Not to partake in the judgment or conviction of others**

After some drunken ghetto bitch tried to get all up in my face claiming I was “mean-muggin’” her is where it all begins. Let us back up and not forget the part where her fiancé was all sorts of touchy-feely with every girl at the party… and when I happened to look her way while reminding her fiancé that HE WAS ENGAGED is when supposed “mean-mug” took place. Sadly, nothing happened, not even a hair pull. Little ghetto one just stood on her tiptoes to TRY and get in my face. Not long after, a feud of epic proportion took place between the happy couple. Watching the engagement ring get thrown around like Jell-O being thrown at a nurse by a crabby ass elderly woman was worth me sticking around, if not solely for the entertainment factor. 

Yes, it appears that I would be judging the little nugget that wanted to beat my ass, but I’m not. We’ve met more than once, each experience worse than the one before. The possibility of her being the definition of white trash is substantially high and that is just rainbows and butterflies. She lives her life the way she choses, and I do the same.

Being the nice person that I think I am, I was sober cab for 4 drunkards. Who were fortunate enough to be borderline white-girl-wasted on Peach Moonshine. That’s when I relived the night to the man in my passenger seat. Brief discussion and then BAM, he hits me with “Yeah, well you aren’t very approachable and people think you’re a bitch until they meet you.” He would have been better off just slapping me or staying quiet. Fuck it! He should have just kept his drunken mouth shut, but instead kept going on about how he’s heard it more than once.  

Being the one that always does her thing, and doesn’t give too much of anything to others opinions, this actually really hurt me. Crying did not happen, but it got me curious about why people think that. Three days later, I’m still thinking about it and now writing about the cynical people in the world.  Clearly, many of you need to spend more time doing more productive things with your life rather than focusing on the approachability of someone. If you want to approach someone than do it. The fact that you let the opinions of others influence you so much that can’t branch out into a new social circle is petty and ridiculous.

The judgmental people of the world probably have the most ridiculous perception of everything around them. Insecurity gathering inside of them and instead of focus on themselves they puke it all up on others. Here’s what I say: You don’t know where I’ve been, what I’ve done, what I’ve lived through or what I’ve experienced in life. Not everyone runs around the world with a big fucking grin on his or her face, but in the end judging him or her makes you a worse person than you were before you opened your mouth to spout ugly words. If you want to spew ugly ignorant words about humans that you have yet to get to know than go far away, ideally to another planet. Take your Haterade with you and get out the hell out of here. Go the therapy, or the gym, or church. Figure out why you must be the judgmental person that you are. I’ll still be here, living my life one day at a time, and it’s likely that I’ll be happier than ever.

So, when you’ve corrected yourself and found your place of happiness in life let me know. And if you decided to leave your dumbass behavior at the door during the next time we should encounter one another you should say hi. Maybe we can be acquaintances, or even friends, but that’s a pretty hefty maybe.