Thursday, November 28, 2013


Often times I find myself contemplating the universe and what is in store for my future. I've always been a believer in signs and a higher power, and up until this past year typically just blew them off. Now though, there have been more and more signs that I've started to really wonder about and try to figure out why they are happening. In doing some research I found this great article and it really resonated with me and helped me get a grasp on some things. My favorite part: 

"Many times people don’t follow their hearts because oftentimes the guidance don’t make sense to the mind and the heart can’t be understood by the mind/logic, and that creates fear within the individual so they don’t go there.

It takes practice and trust to learn to discern with the heart, and to go where you don’t see the next step takes courage, but that’s where our real life is – where the heart leads us.

The mind is not a good leader as it’s driven by fear basically; fear of loosing something or fear of not getting something.

The heart wisdom simply says go there, do that, call her, don’t talk to him” and so on and your role in this is to not ask “why?” because Truth never explains itself.

You only need to trust it.

We don't follow our hearts because we are scared and the mind usually always wins the battle with it's logic. If I had followed my heart I would be living in the south. Maybe alone, but hopefully with a certain someone. My biggest sign this past year has always been from one person. I've been going on more dates and trying to meet more people in hopes of finding someone to spend my life with. Without fail, when things are headed in the right direction with a new person, one person calls. A call that flips my world on its axis again. And as always, I'm left to put myself back together again and wonder if what was said was real or just lies. 

I've thought to myself that the universe is sending some signal to him that I'm dating and having a good time, which results in a call or text or some sort of contact. How else could he possibly know? Hw could he know what I am up to 1000 miles away and we never talk? And literally, the guy that I was going on dates with just disappears. Every damn time. It's sabotage by the universe. I had a thought the other day that this keeps happening because I am not truly over him. It's unfinished business. If you've read any of the other blogs you know this would be my one regret in life. 

I honesty thought I was over him, this last time, and then the message came that there was a good possibility of us seeing each other very soon. It didn't happen, and once again we aren't talking and I'm stuck wondering why he puts me through this and why I let it happen. So back to the signs it is. Trusting something that feels every bit right in your heart and every bit wrong in your mind is pretty much impossible. A battle in every sense of the word. 

If I were to take the advice in this article and be fully open to the signs, I'd find a way to make what my heart wants become a reality. However, it will take the participation of the other person to make that happen and that isn't looking very promising. So, I'll keep going on with life as is. Energy wasted or not I know that what's meant to happen will happen. When the time is right. I'll be patient, have faith and trust that my journey will ultimately lead me to where I'm supposed to be. 

Enjoy the article! 

~Northern Star~